Multiple flash exposures, read and reflect

  • A dSLR on manual settings (set from 2-10″ or bulb exposure)- Because if not it will come out wrong
  • A very dark room (or nighttime outdoors)- to only catch important things
  • A tripod- to keep the camera steady
  • A human subject- for the model
  • A strobe or flashgun (speedlight) with a test button (to manually fire the flash)- to capture certain movement
  • Someone to serve as an extra pair of hands (not required but it helps a lot)- to help with either the camera or the flash
  • Camera- to take the photos
  • Correct aperture setting-controls how the flash exposure is recorded
  • Flashlight or any light object- to make light art
  • Simple lighting- A single light source will give you unlimited potential

video questions


What qualities did you enjoy about the work of Platon?  The qualities i enjoyed about Planton is that he really focuses on the inner emotions of the people he takes pictures of.

Was there anything you didn’t care for in his work? yes,  Well…what was it? He likes to take pictures of important people and basically just people in general , i don’t like taking pictures of people unless i feel like it.


How does Platon deal with his dyslexia in how he works? he over comes it and uses it to his advantage, he used photography to speak his mind and write his story. Is there anything you feel you need to overcome when creating? yes, When creating i feel like i need to over come difficulties and obstacles.

Name three things you learned about Platon either about his life or his shoot with Gen. Powell.

Three things i learned is that 1, eyes are very important to show and make people feel emotions. 2, everyone overcomes obstacles. And 3, Not everyone starts off perfect, greatness comes in time.